Archives: Events


Book Study

Sanctuary Church 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

On the second and fourth Sundays of the month, we gather for a book study on Dangerous Wonder, a study about childlike faith written by Mike Yaconelli. Our first two sessions will be September 22 and October 27 so there is plenty of time to get on board. We will gather after worship in the Conference Room to eat lunch, pray, play and discuss together. It’s like going to youth group all over again! The paperback book is available for under $10 at this link.


Bible Study

The Parlor 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

As we continue six months of reflection on peacemaking, we will share in Dan Buttry’s Bible study, “A Bible Study Manual on Conflict Transformation”. We will gather on Monday night at 7pm beginning on September 16th. Bring your Bible and a notebook as we work our way through sections of both the Old and New Testaments.


Bible Study

The Parlor 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

The Tuesday morning Bible Study, led by Joan Trusty, on the first five books of the Old Testament has resumed with a new start time of 10 am. This promises to be interesting! All are welcome. We meet in the parlor and class lasts an hour.


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