Archives: Events


Bible Study

The Parlor 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

The Tuesday morning Bible Study, led by Joan Trusty, on the first five books of the Old Testament has resumed with a new start time of 10 am. This promises to be interesting! All are welcome. We meet in the parlor and class lasts an hour.


Sanctuary Sisters

This weekly group offers support, friendship and ministry opportunities with a primary focus on serving women and girls locally and globally. During this current time of COVID-19 they meet via Zoom Meetings at 10AM every Thursday.


Worship Service

Sanctuary Church 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

In-person worship gatherings have resumed at 10:30am every Sunday in our traditional, beautiful sanctuary. Our services, groups, and missions are open to all. Please enter from the main doors on Willits St. We are thrilled to have everyone back worshipping in person and can’t wait to see you!


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