Archives: Events


Worship Service

Sanctuary Church 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

In-person worship gatherings have resumed at 10:30am every Sunday in our traditional, beautiful sanctuary. Our services, groups, and missions are open to all. Please enter from the main doors on Willits St. We are thrilled to have everyone back worshipping in person and can’t wait to see you!

Mission Moment

The Parlor 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

The Outreach Team has designated the September mission offering to benefit American Baptist Home Mission Societies, which receive funding from the American Baptist One Great Hour of Sharing offering. OGHS is an ecumenical effort of nine Christian denominations working in cooperation with Church World Service, to assist communities in times of crisis and provide immediate relief and long-term recovery after disasters. AHMS support crisis relief ministries across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. On September 25, the Living Faith Team will welcome Lynne Punnett, ABC Region Consultant for short-term missions, to speak to us about organizing mission teams in Haiti, which she has coordinated each year since 2011. She will also update us about ministries to Puerto Rico and the recent flooding crisis in Kentucky.


Bible Study

The Parlor 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

The Tuesday morning Bible Study is continuing as regularly scheduled at 10:00 am under new leadership. Joan Trusty will be teaching the group, with a renewed emphasis on learning the background and context of the text to be discussed. We are working through the book of John, with the the February 14th class focusing on Mary and Martha, and then moving into the events leading up to Easter. Come join us!


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