Archives: Events

Mission Moment

The Parlor 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

The January Mission offering is designated to the American Baptist Retired Ministers and Missionaries fund that remembers the pastors, missionaries and leaders who have served American Baptist Churches. Join us for a short video presentation about RMMO on Sunday, January 12th in the Parlor after the worship service. The Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering is always about celebrating, thanking, and lifting up our servant leaders. We remember the pastors, missionaries and leaders who have served ABCUSA churches and ministries. Each of those who have celebrated the wondrous works of Christ will be remembered in the form of a thank you check – a tangible expression of our enduring gratitude for their service. A certain portion of funds are also allocated for direct emergency assistance. Recipients include retired ordained ministers and commissioned missionaries who have devoted 15 years or more to ABCUSA, as well as surviving spouses. Funds in 2023 were allocated to Thank You Checks $598,652 (62%) and Emergency Assistance $366,916 (38%). Every time they receive emergency assistance or a thank you check; these retired servants express their gratitude for being remembered and the difference your gift makes in their lives. Please consider how you can support these servant leaders in your mission offering this month.


Bible Study

The Parlor 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

As we continue six months of reflection on peacemaking, we will share in Dan Buttry’s Bible study, “A Bible Study Manual on Conflict Transformation”. We will gather on Monday night at 7pm beginning on September 16th. Bring your Bible and a notebook as we work our way through sections of both the Old and New Testaments.

Discipleship Class

Fellowship Hall 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

We will gather on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30PM for our next Discipleship Training class. We will start with dinner so make sure to RSVP in advance so we can plan for you. We will focus on Anne Lamott’s work, “Help, Thanks, Wow”. She talks three basic prayers: gratitude, help and awe. We will talk about those ideas, then shape some prayers of our own, for ourselves and for Sanctuary as a whole. It should be a fun night full of good food, great fellowship and new learnings together.


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