Week of Events
Bible Study
Bible Study
The Tuesday morning Bible Study is continuing as regularly scheduled at 10:00 am under new leadership. Joan Trusty will be teaching the group, with a renewed emphasis on learning the background and context of the text to be discussed. We are working through the book of John, with the the February 14th class focusing on Mary and Martha, and then moving into the events leading up to Easter. Come join us!
Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast
The men meet at a local restaurant at 8:30AM Wednesday's for conversation and fellowship. During this current time of COVID-19 they meet via Zoom every Wednesday at 8:30AM.
Sanctuary Sisters
Sanctuary Sisters
This weekly group offers support, friendship and ministry opportunities with a primary focus on serving women and girls locally and globally. During this current time of COVID-19 they meet via Zoom Meetings at 10AM every Thursday.
Worship Service
Worship Service
In-person worship gatherings have resumed at 10:30am every Sunday in our traditional, beautiful sanctuary. Our services, groups, and missions are open to all. Please enter from the main doors on Willits St. We are thrilled to have everyone back worshipping in person and can’t wait to see you!
Mission Moment
Mission Moment
One Great Hour of Sharing serves tens of thousands of people in over 80 countries. American Baptist Churches–USA uses this offering to help disaster victims, displaced persons, and those with chronic human needs, both in the U.S. and overseas. In 2022 they distributed 70% of 2.8 million dollars to carry out urgent disaster relief efforts. This year our offering will be designated for the victims of the recent tornadoes and floods in the U.S. Come to hear more about OGHS and disaster relief after church on June 11.