Archives: Events

Mission Moment

The Parlor 300 Willits St, Birmingham, MI, United States

The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists is a group consisting of Baptist individuals, organizations and congregations that are committed to advocating and encouraging the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons in the lives and ministries of Baptist churches. Member congregations are affiliated with American Baptist Churches - USA, Baptist Peace Fellowship, Alliance of Baptists, and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. AWAB cooperates with welcoming and affirming organizations in other Christian denominations and faith traditions. Join us on May 15th immediately following worship to learn more from Rev. Brain Henderson.


PFLAG has invited us to join at their monthly meeting on May 15th at 2pm, located at Lutheran Church of The Master. We will continue to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community and how we can offer our support. We will hear from members of their community as they share their experiences. Sanctuary friends are invited to lunch at StateSide Deli & Restaurant between worship and our PFLAG visit.


Men’s Breakfast

The men meet at a local restaurant at 8:30AM Wednesday's for conversation and fellowship.  During this current time of COVID-19 they meet via Zoom every Wednesday at 8:30AM.


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