Week of Events
Bible Study
Bible Study
After a summer hiatus, the Tuesday morning Bible Study will resume Tuesday, September 12, at 10:00 am in the Parlor. This fall's focus will be on the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament. For some, this may be the first time they have studied the Old Testament and for others this will be more familiar. All are welcome! The first class will be 90 minutes and the remainder will be 60 minutes in length. If you would like to prepare, read Genesis 1-3. Joan Trusty will be teaching.
Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast
The men meet at a local restaurant at 8:30AM Wednesday's for conversation and fellowship. During this current time of COVID-19 they meet via Zoom every Wednesday at 8:30AM.
Sanctuary Sisters
Sanctuary Sisters
This weekly group offers support, friendship and ministry opportunities with a primary focus on serving women and girls locally and globally. During this current time of COVID-19 they meet via Zoom Meetings at 10AM every Thursday.
Worship Service
Worship Service
In-person worship gatherings have resumed at 10:30am every Sunday in our traditional, beautiful sanctuary. Our services, groups, and missions are open to all. Please enter from the main doors on Willits St. We are thrilled to have everyone back worshipping in person and can’t wait to see you!
Hanging of the Greens
Hanging of the Greens
Save the date for Hanging of the Greens! Join us on November 26th, immediately following worship, to transform the church as we begin to celebrate the Christmas season.